Our Initial Endowment
in 1989
Our Endowment
in 2023
Provided in Community Grant Assistance
We take our responsibility to manage the funds endowed to the Foundation very seriously. Our assets under management have grown from an initial endowment of $1,550 in 1989 to well over $5 million in 2024.
The investment income from these funds has allowed the Foundation to provide more than $3 million in community grant assistance.
Our investment approach is best described as prudent. We publish an annual report that includes our financial statements, which are prepared under a review engagement.
We are proud that the Foundation is run almost entirely through the generous assistance of many friends and volunteers and a fully volunteer-based board. This ensures very careful stewardship of the funds entrusted to us and in turn, ensures the maximum impact of the funds donated.
Many organizations have benefited from the generosity of donors and benefactors through the NSCF over the years. You can find a list of various funds administered by the foundation below!

Arts, Culture and Heritage

marie pearce (founders) fund (est 1989)
Marie Pearce was a key force in establishing the North Shore Community Foundation and served as its first president. The Fund is a general-purpose fund. The income can be directed to any community need, as determined by the Foundation.
Each year the north shore mayors' golf tournament contributes 100% of its net proceeds that exceed $50,000 to the mayors' community trust fund. the income is used to support emerging social and environmental issues and needs on the north shore, as determined by the foundation.
north shore neighbourhood house endowment fund (est 2008)
This fund was created as a result of a local supporter pledging two generous gifts for the north shore neighborhood house. the income is given to the north shore neighborhood house to support programs that benefit seniors, families, kids, and youth on the north shore.
st martin's Anglican church fund (est 2012)
Harold stringer, a former director of the foundation, left a legacy in his will to be administered by the foundation for the benefit of st. martin's Anglican church, including church maintenance, activities or other purposes, as determined by church trustees.

COMMUNITY wellbeing
evergreen house music fund (est 2012)
The Capilano Golf and Country Club established this fund to provide awards for scholarships for employees or young golfers attending post-secondary institutions, environmental projects or other causes as determined by the board of the club.
heed youth sports fund (est 2013)
Chern Heed (a past director of the Foundation) and Georgia Heed established this fund to provide grants for children and youth (ages 5-16) who cannot afford necessary sports equipment or training, as well as North Shore youth sports teams and/or organizations providing physical activities for needy youth as determined by the Foundation.
north shore union board of health legacy fund (est 1998)
The fund supports the promotion of community health needs on the North Shore, as determined by the Foundation.
olga kempo women's fund (est 1990)
Olga Kempo was one of the founders of the Foundation. She established this fund for projects, as determined by the Foundation, which advance social, educational, recreational and cultural equality for women.
sheila jones seniors fund (est 2004)
This fund was started by Alan Jones in memory of his wife Sheila Jones, a tireless volunteer and community worker and long-time resident of the North Shore. Interest from the fund supports seniors’ activities on the North Shore, as determined by the Foundation.
together against violence legacy fund (est 2005)
The District of North Vancouver established this fund to support activities, selected by the Foundation, whose aim is to reduce the incidence of violent behaviour in our community.
trevor gabeldu fund for children (est 1995)
Trevor Cabeldu was an early director of the Foundation who also served as its Secretary for a number of years. He established this fund to support projects, as determined by the Foundation, that benefits children on the North Shore up to the age of 13.
North shore waterfront industries fund (est 2019)
We are very excited to tell you about our newest fund, the North Shore Waterfront Industries Fund, established this year by Neptune Terminals, Western Stevedoring, Kinder Morgan Terminals, Fibreco Export and Seaspan with the net proceeds of their Waterfront Gala, the income of which is to be used to support local agencies providing services to meet the social needs of children and families on the North Shore.

city of north Vancouver youth centennial scholarships (est 2008)
Established by the City of North Vancouver to celebrate the centennial of the city’s founding in 1908, this fund provides annual scholarships to youth who have demonstrated outstanding community service and financial need, as selected by the City of North Vancouver, and who are pursuing post-secondary education. Application forms and terms of reference for the scholarships are available through this link
colin jones memorial fund (est 2006)
Set up to honor the memory of Colin Jones, a beloved English teacher in North Shore high schools, the fund provides scholarships to English as a second language (ESL) students at Carson Graham Secondary School who are going on to post-secondary education, as selected by the ESL faculty at Carson Graham.
judy dennis emerging artists training fund (est 1994)
This fund was established by a legacy from Judy Dennis, whose artistic interests were wide-ranging. She had a particular interest in encouraging artists to develop their skills in any discipline and was the driving force in establishing what is now known as the North Vancouver Community Arts Council. The fund assists emerging artists with funding for ongoing training, as determined by the Foundation**.
north Vancouver minor hockey scholarship fund (est 1996)
Set up by the North Vancouver Minor Hockey Association, this fund provides scholarships to encourage skilled hockey players to continue their education after high school. Scholarships are awarded annually at the discretion of the Association.
rotary fund (est 1993, revised 2012)
Established by the Rotary Club of North Vancouver, the Club selects grade 12 students from the District and City of North Vancouver, based on academic qualifications and financial need, who are going on to post-secondary education. Children of Rotary Club members are not eligible for this scholarship.
seanna and nicole strongman memorial awards fund (est 1992, expanded in 2010)
Scholarships in the amount of $2,000 are awarded annually in June to two graduating students from each of the seven North Vancouver senior secondary schools. Award winners, who must be continuing on to post-secondary education, are selected by the faculty of their respective schools for their all-round achievements in citizenship, leadership, arts and culture, athletics, and academics.

animal welfare
ward animal fund (est 2006, revised 2014)
Dennis and Valerie Ward left the residue of their estate to the Foundation to provide 1/25th of the capital each year, along with the income from the fund, to provide grants on the following terms: a) the grant must be used for the benefit of domestic pets, domesticated animals or wild animals (“Animals”), b) the recipient may operate an animal shelter, petting zoo or farm, or refuge on the North Shore or provide foster care, services or programs for the benefit of Animals not necessarily restricted to a specific location on the North Shore, c) the grant must be used to improve the lives and conditions of Animals, provide public education related to Animals or cover medical, veterinary or pharmaceutical expenses for Animals. As this fund is to eventually wind up, no further donations can be accepted.