The North Shore Community Foundation's Golf Tournament is now in its 16th year.
The tournament is endorsed by our North Vancouver Mayors, made possible by generous sponsors and managed by the North Shore Community Foundation and a group of dedicated volunteers -- all in service of funding an impactful community project.
This year’s designated recipient will receive up to $50,000 funding from the tournament on Monday, June 20, 2023.
project criteria:
Must be in need of funding for a major project
The project must provide a direct service or address a community need on the North Shore. (Deep Cove to Lions Bay, and Bowen Island)
We are especially interested in emerging/underfunded community issues which may need some seed money to prove the concept/need.
Applicants must be a registered charity with CRA and an incorporated society.
Applicants must provide a clearly defined method of evaluation of the project’s effectiveness.
we do not fund programs and projects that include:
Expenses incurred prior to application (existing projects)
Debt retirement or mortgage pay-downs.
Expenses for conferences or competitions.
Fundraising expenses.
Political, religious or commercial activities.
we WILL ALSO require
The most recent copy of your annual report and accountant prepared financial statements