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  • 1987
    North Shore Community Foundation Administration Fund is established.
  • 1988
    North Shore Community Foundation incorporated as the North Shore Charitable Foundation with an initial endowment of $151 (the Foundation’s name was later changed to the North Shore Community Foundation in 1999). By the next AR in 1991, there were 6 funds and $11,100 in assets. The Foundation was set up in response to community needs. Founders included citizens drawn from the community who were committed to creating a Community Foundation aimed at improving the lives of the residents of the North Shore. The Foundation’s geographic area is Deep Cove to Lion’s Bay and includes Bowen Island. Founding directors included: Sheila Gilmour (First President), Marie Pearce, John Roger Clark, Joan Whittow, Sherrill Hardy, Olga Kempo, Norman Smith, Isobel Gibson, Salim Kaderali, David Pink, Norman Brown, and Jacqueline Coinner. View the signatures of the very first founders of the North Shore Community Foundation here.
  • 1989
    Marie Pearce (Founders) Fund established in memory of one of the Foundation’s pioneering members. Sheila Gilmour writes the very first president’s report in the first Annual Report. "We have already opened a Founders’ Fund in the name of Marie Pearce, a long time North Vancouver resident and committed community worker. It was she who had the vision which inspired the Board to the tasks that have been done and those that lie ahead. Marie has moved away to enjoy a well-earned retirement but our thanks will be perpetuated in the Fund that bears her name, to which the Society’s founding members have been moved to pledge themselves." - Sheila Gilmour in her first annual report in 1889.
  • 1990
    Olga Kempo Women's Fund established in memory of one of the founding members of the Foundation.
  • 1991
    Founders’ Cultural Fund established.
  • 1992
    District of North Vancouver Heritage Fund established. Senna and Nicole Strongman Memorial Awards Fund established (expanded in 2010).
  • 1993
    North Vancouver Community Arts Council Youth Cultural Development Fund established. North Vancouver Museum and Archives Endowment Fund established. Rotary Fund established (revised 2012).
  • 1994
    Judy Dennis Emerging Artist Training Fund established.
  • 1995
    Fund for Arts on the North Shore established. Trevor Cabeldu Fund for Children established. Bill Heese, 15 year board member, mostly as treasurer, from 1995 - 2010.
  • 1996
    North Vancouver Minor Hockey Scholarship Fund established.
  • 1998
    North Shore Union Board of Health Legacy Fund established. John Harvey joins the Foundation as a board member for 5 years from 1998 – 2003.
  • 2000
    District of North Vancouver Public Library Endowment Fund established 2004.
  • 2004
    Sheila Jones Seniors’ Fund established.
  • 2005
    Together Against Violence Legacy Fund established.
  • 2006
    Colin Jones Memorial Fund established. Ward Animal Fund established.
  • 2007
    Chern Heed joins teh foundation as a board member and stays for 6 years until 2013 and still a key member of the MGT organizing committee. Dave Alsop joined the board in 2007 and became the 5th president in 2008 on the 20th anniversary of the Foundation. Dave was instrumental in encouraging new donors to contribute to existing Funds and start new ones encouraging an expanded investment policy that kept income high taking upon himself mundane tasks like mail pick up and responding to emails and phone calls attending many meetings on behalf of the Foundation and otherwise raising the profile of the Foundation
  • 2008
    The Foundation established the North Shore Mayors’ Golf Tournament, which has become an annual fundraising event for the Foundation. First year: $67,500 to the Lookout Shelter and $48,800 to the Mayors’ Community Trust Fund. City of North Vancouver Youth Centennial Scholarship is established. North Shore Neighbourhood House Endowment Fund is established. Mayors’ Community Trust Fund is established and the Foundation establishes its 20th endowment fund.
  • 2009
    District of North Vancouver Community Heritage Fund is established.
  • 2011
    Foundation reaches the milestone of $2 million in endowments across 20 funds.
  • 2012
    Evergreen House Music Fund established. St. Martin’s Anglican Church Fund established.
  • 2013
    Foundation celebrates our 25th Anniversary of giving back to the community. Heed Youth Sports Fund is established. Total grants assistance disbursed since the establishment of the Foundation in 1988 tops $1 million.
  • 2014
    Foundation extends grant assistance in excess of $180,000 to various community organizations that directly benefit and improve the lives of the North Shore’s residents.
  • 2015
    The North and West Vancouver branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association is selected as the designated charity for the 8th Annual North Shore Mayor’s Golf Tournament. Foundation reaches the milestone of $3.1 million in endowment capital. Mike Boehm replaces David Alsop (retiring from 9 years on the board) as president of the North Shore Community Foundation. Picture taken at the 2015 AGM: back row: Chern Heed (he has a fund), Bill Heese, Norm Smith (a founder), David Alsop (he has a fund), Mike Boehm; front row: Marilynne Nowell, third president, Roger Clarke, second president, and Pat Scarlett, fourth president. Picture taken at the 2015 AGM of just the presidents, past and current: back row: Roger Clarke (2nd ), David Alsop (5th), Mike Boehm (6th); front row: Pat Scarlett (4th), Marilynne Nowell (3rd).
  • 2016
    The North Shore Schizophrenia Society is selected as the designated charity for the 9th Annual North Shore Mayors’ Golf Tournament.
  • 2017
    In honour of the 10th annual Mayors’ Golf Tournament and in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, two designated charities were selected to each receive $50,000. Quest Food Exchange and Turning Point Recovery Society are both worthwhile and active organizations on the North Shore.
  • 2018
    The Harvest Project is selected as the designated charity of the Mayors’ Golf Tournament and receives a cheque for $50,000 from the net proceeds of the golf tournament.
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